I draw and write a lot. I bought a laptop that I’m using to make this website. I want more money. You should give me more money, and I’m willing to exchange objects and ideas of equal or greater value.
That’s how this is supposed to work, right?
I’ll keep posting things as I go. I’ll probably make like, some kind of email list or something for updates, but I don’t want to get annoying.
We both know you have such important things to do in your free time.
Follow your dreams etc etc, lock your doors, brush your teeth.
You ever wonder about aliens and ghosts??
The US Government comes out and confirms that aliens are real. Okay sick, where’s my alien pokedex? Y’all are so obsessed with census info, you’d think somebody would share a general encyclopedia of aliens we know.
Which gets me thinking…
If aliens are real, does that mean ghosts are too??
Or is it just aliens?
If ghosts are real, AND aliens are real, does that mean there’s alien-ghosts??
Do dead aliens have to abide by Earth-Ghost rules?
This probably explains why there’s ghost-grandma flying around at night, haunting houses and shi, but some people get unlucky and have to deal with demonic possessions.
Just a bunch of really ancient and pissed off dead aliens.
There’s got to be this entire rule set to ghosts then, right?
Like, do human ghosts only last so long? Or is the surface of our planet just festering with dead people floating around?
Meanwhile there’s dead alien ghosts also just slinking around with nothing better to do.
Makes you wonder if they team up, butthole dead humans and mean dead aliens, fighting teams of dead human resistance.
Life after death sounds like a hell of a ride.
Anyway, this has been Morrigan. Thank you for coming to my website.
I hope something here triggers or inspires you to just do whatever it is you want.
I’m planning on learning how to tattoo next, and I want to buy a good motorcycle. Maybe a Yamaha. Ninjas are for lames. Dirtbike Motox is where it’s at.
Just you wait until I get good at math. It’s over for all of you.
All of my love,